I’m looking for YOUR WORK!
If you love photography, I want to feature your work on this site! There are two types of images I’m looking for…
One – photographers working. Check out the first three images on the main page of the site, I would LOVE to have work from my subscribers there!
Second, I want to set up a page on the site with a gallery for subscribers work – any genre! I plan for this to be an upcoming feature on the site – let me know if you’d like to have your images featured!.
Send me an email if you are interested: coffeeandphotographytalk@gmail.com
Hello Everyone!
This is my first post here, and I would like to thank Hayward for creating this unique opportunity to join in discussion with The Camera Cafe Blog. I have been passionate about photography as a hobbyist since 1958. At this time, I would like to invite everyone to where I post most of my work in both photos & videos:
Ray Testa Photography
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RayTestaPhotography/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@txphotography6637
Welcome Ray! I look forward to your posts!
Hello photographers.
My name is James Ollis. I’m from Lexington, NC.
I’ve always had an interest in photography since my dad took some photography classes back in the early 80’s. Unfortunately for me I didnt pursue this until the last few years. I absolutely love finding beauty in anything landscape. I’m by no means a seasoned professional though. LOL
I’ve recently developed a wanting, if you will, to learn portrait photography. I love working with people and I find it satisfying to make people happy. My wife tells me that that is my love language?? Haha
I’m hoping to connect with as many photographers here on this site that Hayward has developed to learn from and maybe help another learn in their journey. Also to make new friends with the same interest as mine in photography.
Thank you Hayward for creating and giving us this platform.
Welcome James! Portrait photography can be very rewarding, but often daunting… Warren out of Canada just posted about his journey as well!